Why Chris Brown beat Rihanna?
Yo people.. You all must have heard the incident about Rihanna got beaten by Chris Brown right? Do you ever wonder why? WHY??? Well there is always a reason fo' a cause.. to be honest I don't fancy Rihanna.. I don't understand why girls tryin' to imitate her uglyness!! WHY??? *Oopss* I might get myself kill by her fans.. but who cares?!! She sucks!! =)
Rihanna must have came up with a really bad attitude that provoked Chris to whop her in the ass.. WHY??? Maybe like what's shown in the video below.. there is a possibility.. nothin' is impossible.. lol
Why Chris Brown beat Rihanna *WHY???*
by Nigahiga
Credits to Sherleen!!
He's so freakin' hilarious and entertainin'!!
Loads of his videos you can just click on it and watch in youtube!!